Why the ceiling of the guest room is "colorful"

There is much to tell from the history of the inn “Zum gulden Stern”. Under “Anecdotes”, landlady Sofia Hilleprandt tells us stories from over 600 years of history. Today: Why the ceiling of the guest room is actually “colorful”.

If you lift your gaze from your plate in the historic restaurant and let it wander to the ceiling, you can see the question mark on your forehead shortly afterwards. Because on the wooden ceiling there are strange patterns and also the color deviates in some places from the otherwise predominant wood-brown.

Landlady Sofia Hilleprandt knows the reason for this:

“The ceiling of the guest room is also the floor of today’s Dr.-Erich-Mulzer-Stube on the upper floor. In the past, when guests – who were probably a bit heavier – drank a bit more and became even more heavier, it sometimes happened that one of the guests crashed through the ceiling from above because the wood could not withstand the load.
The resulting holes were then patched with old wooden boards from cupboard walls, which were often brightly painted.”

From which weight or from how many beers one would have been better careful, however, is not handed down.

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